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DCS 2024 Partition Software and notes

The 'dcs-2024' partition has been created to support a more modernized set of drivers and software. There are currently 45 nodes in the partition, but this will be slowly expanded to the entire cluster over time.

Please send any problems encountered, complaints or ideas to

Using the dcs-2024 partition

There are currently no front-end node with this software update. Use the “interactive” QoS to allocate a node on 'dcs-2024' for development, testing or compiling purposes.

There are two ways to access the dcs-2024 partition:

  • Add "-p dcs-2024" to your salloc command
  • Specify "#SBATCH -p dcs-2024" in your sbatch script

Software available

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6
  • Kernel: 4.18.0-372.41.1.el8_6.ppc64le
  • Nvidia GPU driver: is 535.104.05
  • Mellanox Infiniband driver(OFED): 4.9-6.0.6
  • CUDA: 11.0/11.1/11.2/11.8/12.1
  • Nvidia HPC SDK: version 24.1
  • Spectrum MPI:
  • OpenMPI: Coming Soon (available via HPC SDK today)
  • GCC: Update coming soon (Aug '24)

To load newer CUDA versions:

module use /gpfs/u/software/dcs-2024/modulefiles

module use cuda/11.8
module use cuda/12.1