The AcuSolve tools are available on the Intel Cluster for evaluation purposes by academic and industrial users.
Usage Conditions¶
The following conditions apply to the use of AcuSolve at the CCI:
- Commercial users are allowed access for evaluation purposes; all other RPI/CCI users are allowed access for academic use.
- Evaluation purposes are those which do not directly benefit product development, company related research, etc...
- The current licenses are valid until May 2019, but we do not guarantee access throughout that entire period.
- Altair will not provide direct software support; it will be mediated by SCOREC and CCI staff.
- Non-problem specific software usage data is collected on a per user basis and provided to Altair for their internal use only.
Apply for Access¶
Send an email to with the subject "Access to ACUSIM" with the following fields completed:
**CCI User Name:**
**Academic or Industrial User:**
**School, Department and Professor Affiliation -or- Company Name:**
**Brief description of interest in AcuSolve tools:**
Setting up your Environment¶
To use the AcuSolve version 12, 13, 14, or 2017.2 tools you will first need to setup your environment by doing the following:
module load acusolve/[12|13|14|2017.2]
When you are done using the AcuSolve tools you can revert your environment back to its previous state with:
module unload
With your environment setup you can then launch the the graphical interface with:
Mesh Generation¶
Meshing controls are specified through the AcuConsole GUI; the
instructions in Workshop 2 - Blower page 84 to 90 of the
AcuSolve_Training document describe how to set basic mesh controls on
surfaces and volumns. On page 91 of this document the mesh generation
process is executed via the AcuConsole GUI. The mesh generation process
may also be executed without the AcuConsole GUI using the acuMeshSim
executable. This is a useful tool if the mesh creation requires a long
time or the memory requirements of mesh creation exceed those of the
machine the AcuConsole GUI was executed on.
After specifying the mesh controls select from the top menu "Tools->Generate Mesh". The dialog box depicted below should open.
Configure the mesh generation process, turn off "Launch AcuMeshSim", and then select "OK". An ".ams" file containing the mesh generation process settings and mesh controls should now exist in your directory.
Run AcuMeshSim on this file to generate the mesh.
acuMeshSim -inpfile
Executing a Simulation¶
Example simulations can be executed on the DRP clusters as follows:
Copy the example
# ---------------version 12---------------
cp -r $ACUSIM_HOME/$ACUSIM_MACHINE/examples/channel .
# ---------------version > 12 --------------
cp -r $ACUSIM_HOME/$ACUSIM_MACHINE/model_files/examples/channel .
Submit the jobs using the acuSub script:
cd channel
acuSub -pb channel -q debug -np 8 -ppn 8 -time 10
Here the problem name (-pb) is 'channel', the queue is (-q) 'debug', the number of processors (-np) is '8', the number of processor per node (-ppn) is '8', and the time limit (-time) is '10' minutes.
To see all the scripts options enter the following:
acuSub -h
Running one process per core has been found to be significantly faster than using two processes per core (hyperthreads).
An unsteady flow analysis using DES on a 15.5million elements (~2.6million nodes) ran, on average, one time step in 80 seconds without hyperthreads (-np 64 -ppn 8) vs. 180 seconds with hyperthreads (-np 128 -ppn 16).
Restarting a Simulation¶
Refer to the XYZ documentation for how to manually create a restart, .rst, file. The 'Launch AcuSolve' button in the AcuConsole interface can also create a restart file if the 'Restart' flag is set to 'on' as depicted below. Note that the settings for controlling the restart can be specified in the 'Restart' tab.
Once the restart file has been generated the simulation can be submitted to the CCI Opterons queue with the following command:
acuSub -inp
.rst -q opterons -pb
-np 8 -constraint blade -time 10
Count Stagger Iterations Within each Time Step¶
Create a file named
with the following
#!/bin/bash -e
while read LINE; do
if [[/_"$LINE"_==_*Time-Step*_| "$LINE" == *Time-Step* ]];
echo TimeStep $TIMESTEP: staggers = $STAGGERS;
if [[/_"$LINE"_=~_.*Flow.*stagger.*_| "$LINE" =~ .*Flow.*stagger.* ]]; then
Make the file executable:
chmod +x
Run the script using a log file from AcuSolve:
./ <
Host key verification failed¶
If the following error appears when trying to run acuSolve:
acuRun: /gpfs/home/software/amd64-rhel5/proprietary/AcuSolve/LINUX64/latest/hpmpi/bin/mpirun -f channel.mpi.appfile
Host key verification failed.
mpirun: Warning one or more remote shell commands exited with non-zero status, which may indicate a remote access problem.
acuRun: *** ERROR: error occurred executing acuSolve
acuRun: Sat Mar 17 16:32:50 2012
run the following command in a terminal on a CCI landing pad:
echo "strictHostKeyChecking no" >> ~/.ssh/config
If the following error appears when trying to run acuSolve:
ssh_askpass: exec(/usr/libexec/openssh/ssh-askpass): No such file or directory
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic,password).
setup password-less ssh access using ssh-keygen.
Documentation materials for v12.0 can be found here: