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Landing pad systems function as the gateway to access CCI resources.

NOTE! The landing pad systems are not to be used for CPU/GPU intensive tasks

Compute intensive tasks running on landing pads may be stopped by CCI staff without warning. Please use sbatch or salloc to request compute resources.

If you require an interactive session for any reason, consider launching an interactive job through the scheduler requesting a graphical terminal instead:

salloc xterm -e 'ssh -X `srun hostname`'

Connecting to CCI

The following landing pads are available for two-factor SSH connections:

These hosts share a common SSH public key fingerprint:

2048 MD5:2f:47:46:88:d8:62:b0:d1:54:ba:10:01:05:d0:a0:60 (RSA)
256 MD5:5e:3b:a6:a2:12:ba:ac:42:26:ae:5b:28:b0:1e:e5:11 (ECDSA)
256 MD5:bf:d2:53:5b:2a:cf:cd:38:b1:72:e0:63:9d:9d:f1:93 (ED25519)
2048 SHA256:YRNQZfBn6i3/O4OuwDjsVIc0Lx2kVaBUfb8Uy0O8oYs (RSA)
256 SHA256:b5UqZU6ucjzzL/DbgR2z2VT0daYSLjutA9UJBm2ciZA (ECDSA)
256 SHA256:m3kUD+3EWcjnsLR6CjP4I94dkImJ/HwA9ynvnEUJySQ (ED25519)

Data Movement

Use your favorite SCP or Rsync client to transfer data to the landing pad systems.

Connections to external systems from the landing pads (or any other system) are not allowed, except specific connections through the proxy.

Data transfers generally have to be initiated internally, whether transferring data to or from CCI.

TIP: All landing pads have access a common file system shared across all clusters.

Connecting to Other Systems

To access compute systems for job submission or compilation, you will need to SSH from the landing pad to the appropriate front-end node, "FEN".

To access a system scheduled for you on the Landing Pads via SSH to debug or otherwise interact with your job you can use the hostname(s) indicated with the "squeue" command.

Further information on job submission and scheduling can be found here